My Beachbody Story:
It may seem strange for one to have the opportunity to work in fitness after almost losing a battle with anorexia and compulsive over-exercise disorder. It’s kind of like a former alcoholic working as a bartender – it doesn’t seem to make sense.
But God doesn’t have to make sense to us because His ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8). I am grateful every day that through His grace, mercy, and strength that I am more than a conqueror in Christ (Romans 8:37).
While I was in seminary, I discovered Turbo. It was the first workout I’d done since my eating disorder that not only didn’t feel like punishment for eating, but it was FUN! I got certified immediately so I could begin sharing this awesome format with others.
At my certification, I learned there was a home version of this product as well. When they explained the business side of the home workouts, I was so excited. This was perfect for me!
After some serious convincing of my husband, I started my Beachbody business as my Christmas present in December 2008. I had no idea what a pivotal decision that was at the time.
What started out as a business that “made sense” has turned into incredible friendships, so many lives changed from the inside out that I’ve had the pleasure of being a part of, and financial freedom we never expected. (Not to mention, I’m six years older than I was when I began my business, and I’m fitter and healthier now!)
I love helping people get healthy. I know there are multiple ways to do that (and multiple ways that work!), but this allows me to share the products that I use myself (Yay for not having to be a creepy salesperson!), and I get to do it while staying at home raising my boys. No paycheck or perk trip trumps the gift of being able to treasure my time with them at home while they’re young.
If you’re passionate about health and fitness, or if you’ve had great success with Beachbody products, I’d love to chat with you about joining my team. Just fill out the application below, and we’ll set up a time to connect.